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Pedestal lyrics

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song lyrics
Pedestal lyrics

You re the coolest person
That I have ever seen
So perfect with your pretty face
On the TV screen

You re a god I know it
How you stand abouve them all
You are my perfect person
Man I"d hate to see you fall

I want someone to believe in
Yeah well don t we all?
Cause in this life of imperfection need someone who won t fall
You got it, you got it, you got it all

Got a Magazine to day
That was full of you
Shocked to read the words they said
Tell me they re not true

Add you to my fallen list
One more has hit the ground
The fault was mine
Held you too high
Your only way was down

I can t deny this need inside
I have to find the perfect one
But I wonder if behind my need
There might be a reason?

Is my life just one big searching
Fot the one I can adore?
It never works
And I m just left here wanting more

Could it be this hunger s there
To drive me to the One
Who s worthy of all worship
Would my searching then be done?
song lyrics

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