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To The Winter lyrics

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To The Winter lyrics

Called you on your private number
Left a message on your mobile phone
Even tried the operator
When I call, no one s home
Trying just so hard to reach you
Try to keep this thing alive
You are the woman I need to speak to
Didn t you know there s a monster inside

If you re gonna carry on then deep inside
I ll give my heart to the winter
If you leave I ll take this blade to carve your name into my ugliness

So I went and sat in the Crystal Palace
By the plastic dinosaurs
In my pocket was a piece of paper
And the writing look like yours
Starting picking thru our conversations
Kicking thru the rotten leaves
Never realize the implication
Didn t you know there s a monster in me

If you re gonna carry on then deep inside
I ll give my heart to the winter
If you leave I ll take this blade to carve your name into my ugliness

Summer s gone and there s no sun what have I done
I lost my love to the winter
Now my heart is cold and dark what have I done I ve given our love away
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