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So Long Farewell Goodbye lyrics

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song lyrics
So Long Farewell Goodbye lyrics

(Scotty Morris)
So long my friends, farewell goodbye
I d love to stay an play and sing for awhile,
but it s time to hit the road and say goodbye
So long farewell goodbye
Goodbye to my friends I m glad you were here
It s time for us to go and get another beer
Well I d like to see your smiling faces again
so goodbye my friends bye-bye
Thank you for the open invitation
your kind applause and adulation,
but look at the time lord we got to fly
so long farewell baby bye-bye
Hey there now friends, it s time to go,
but we ll return and do another show
When we come back drop in and say hi
So long farewell bye-bye
So long farewell baby bye-bye,
and now we re leaving with tears in our eyes
We ll be back soon so don t you cry
So long farewell bye-bye
song lyrics

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