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Rough Justice lyrics

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song lyrics
Rough Justice lyrics

The young don t grow up
not in this life

Big mouths and money win every time

Boy beats girl while the sneaky and snide
Take all your money and take your pride.
Innocent people walking by
no time to smile before they die

Don t call that justice !
Children are starving on the street
another one disappearing every week

Don t call that justice!
King for a day but their kingdom grows cold

Theyll never grow up but they re bound to grow old.
I remember the pain and humiliation

And Ill show them rough justice
the way that they did.
Innocent people walking by
no time to smile before they die
. . .
Innocent people walking by
no time to smile before they die
. . .
Boy beats girl while the sneaky and snide
Take all your money
take all your pride.
Innocent people walking by
no time to smile before they die
. . .
Innocent people walking by
no time to smile before they die
. . .
Don t call that justice!
song lyrics

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