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Another Holy War lyrics

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song lyrics
Another Holy War lyrics

I am god
the only one
I will bring back
freedom to your heart
you won t believe
that blind can see
noone else before me ever knew
the way to paradise
for another bloody crime
I shall return
I am your light on through the night
Why am I born
will I fail to rise again
another crucifixion for
another holy war
can t stop what s going on
Sooner or later you must understand
my words bring freedom
and rescue for man
what else,
to call me your Messiah
oh, I wish there could be another way
cross and nails are already prepared
my sell out
waits till I m crucified
I will die before my vision ends
Wait for the dawn
to take me away
what will be if I fail
another golden calve
never, never ending
pain and agony
hit me, nail me make me god
song lyrics

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