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Shes Hearing Voices lyrics

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song lyrics
She s Hearing Voices lyrics

She s hearing voices call her
She s hearing voices warn her
She just can t sleep in her bed
She just can t sleep
She s falling down the stairs
She s tearing out her hair
She s screaming my name, in the night
To keep her warm

She got a red pill blue pill
Red pill blue pill
Red pill blue pill
Red pill blue pill
Milk of amnesia

She s scared of the blacks
And she s scared of the Jews
She is walking around
She is yesterday s news
And she screams out my name
In the dead of the night
She is leaving my room
She is crying on her side
Walking on eggshells
Walking on glass
Burnt by the mirror
Burnt by the light
Feeling rejection I ll burn down your house
Tearing down posters
I was never alive
song lyrics

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