song lyrics
Alarm Call lyrics
I have walked this earth And watched people
It doesn t scare me at all
I can be sinsere And say I like them
It doesn t scare me at all
You can t say no to hope Can t say no to happiness
I want to go on a mountain-top With a radio and good batteries And play a joyous tune and Free the human race From suffering
It doesn t scare me at all
I m no fucking buddhist But this is enlightenment
The less room you give me The more space I ve got
It doesnt scare me at all
You can t say no to hope Can t say no to happiness
It doesn t scare me at all
I want to be on a mountain-top With a radio and good batteries And play a joyous tune and Free the A-human race From suffering
It doesn t scare me at all
This is an alarm-call So wake-up, wake-up now Today has never happened And it doesnt frighten me
It doesn t scare me at all
You can t say no to hope You can t say no to happiness
It doesn t scare me at all song lyrics