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Earth Intruders lyrics

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song lyrics
Earth Intruders lyrics

We are the earth intruders
We are the earth intruders
Muddy with twigs and branches

Turmoil! Carnage!

Here come the earth intruders
We are the paratroopers
The beat of sharp shooters
Come straight from voodoo

With our feet thumping
With our feet marching
Grinding skeptics
Into the soil

Shower of goodness coming to
End the doubt pouring over
Shower of goodness coming to end

We are the earth intruders
We are the sharp shooters
Flock of parachuters
Necessary voodoo

I have guided my bones through some voltage
And love them still
And love them too

Metallic! Carnage! Furiocity! Feel the speed!

We are the earth intruders
We are the sharp shooters
Flock of parachuters
Necessary voodoo

There is turmoil out there
Carnage, rambling
What is to do but dig
Dig bones out of earth

Mud graves! Timber! Morbid trenches!

Here come the earth intruders
There ll be no resistance
We are the canoneerers
Necessary voodoo

And the beast
With many heads
And the arms rolling

We are the earth intruders
We are the earth intruders
Muddy with twigs and branches

Forgive us, tribe

We are the earth intruders
We are the earth intruders
Muddy with twigs and branches
song lyrics

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