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After I Smoke I

After I Smoke I mp3 songs

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song lyrics
After I Smoke I Like To Sleep lyrics
Now its time to sleep,
this is my sleepin song.
I hear it in my ears every week,
it just goes on and on.

Yes, now you close your eyes,
a hero you ll become before tomorrow comes.
Then it will end, and you re ridin into the sunrise,
with your battle and your lover, you ve won.

Then you ll see things,
as they seem,
from a standpoint,
the stories of your dreams!

In this night of no memory,
you can be exactly as you want to be.
So be gallant, be ruthful, be beautiful.
May the next hit you take be a headful.

Oh, yes I do, I like to smoke with you,
yes I do.

(repeat 3rd verse
song lyrics

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