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Hold On lyrics

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song lyrics
Hold On lyrics

Baby, I m angry.
Baby, I m scared.
We re living in a dark time.
And nobody cares.
Baby, I m tired.
Life isn t fair.
You are the only one,
who will always be there.

Hold on, to me.
Say you ll always love me.
Tell me anything, you want.
Hold on, baby.
Say you ll never leave me.
Promise that you will hold on.

Baby, I m sorry.
I don t mean to cry.
But, I never needed you more,
than I need you tonight.

Hold on, to me.
Say you ll always love me.
Tell me anything, you want.
Hold on, baby.
Say you ll never leave me.
Promise that you will hold on.

I m a small honeybee.
I drown in the water.
You are my hand in the well, weeelll...

Hold on, to me.
Say you ll always love me.
Tell me anything, you want.
Hold on, baby.
Say you ll never leave me.
Promise that you will hold on.
song lyrics

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