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A World I Never

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song lyrics
A World I Never Made lyrics

The late show is over
And the city is fast asleep
And I m lost in a world
That s just too cold and deep
I ve turned so many ways
I m spinning like a top
I wish that I could get off
Or get this world to stop

I m a stranger and afraid
I m a stranger and afraid
I m a stranger and afraid
In a world I never made

I m always chasing dragons
With a sword that s made of tin
So I know in my soul
There s no way I can win
I tried, oh I tried
But there s no place, no place to go
There s no one here who knows me
And no one here I know

I m a stranger and afraid
I m a stranger and afraid
I m a stranger and afraid
In a world I never made
song lyrics

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