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I Wonder Why lyrics

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song lyrics
I Wonder Why lyrics

I wonder why, why my baby won t treat me right
I wonder why, why my baby won t treat me right
She go off every day and she won t come home till night

"I ll be home" well, last week that s what she said
"I ll be home" well, last week that s what she said
She don t care if I don t eat
Cos she don t know how the rent is paid

She s a gamblin woman, she chases men in between
She s a gamblin girl, she chases men in between
She mistreats me and she cheats me
Meanest woman I ever seen

The kid s in bed, I lay awake till broad daylight
The kid s in bed, I lay awake till broad daylight
Every now and then I wonder will my baby be home tonight
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