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That s What Friends

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song lyrics
That s What Friends Are For lyrics
Songwriters: Penney, E; Parsons, R;

She was my friend when I needed a friend
He was the man who said our love would never end
When things went wrong, she d tell us both to try again
That s what friends are for, that s what friends are for

And there were times when she was feeling down
One of us would always come around
And try to share some other happiness we found
That s what friends are for, that s what friends are for

I suppose I should have seen what was happening to me
And I guess I should have known, there wasn t love enough for three
And now there s only me

So I m alone, like I never thought I d be
I trusted her, just as far as I could see
And she stole his love away from me
If that s what friends are for, I don t need them anymore
song lyrics

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