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Beyond Electric Dreams lyrics

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Beyond Electric Dreams lyrics

Here we go now

No one here can show you where it is but I can point to a sign
On the roof of the world without apparent design
The frozen definition of a lunatic ambition to rise
The air is thin, the future dim, dimension hard to find

Up on a mountain encased in solar rays
Beyond electric dreams of inarticulate passion plays
Coming down a mountain, eons have a human ring
The conversation of impassive planets
Intercepted by a human being

Ratioclination is a practicable way to derive
An attitude of altitude and probity by which to abide
Or maybe of the a theophany of flaming creosote in disguise
The air is thin, the future dim, dimension undefined

Up on a mountain encased in solar rays
Beyond electric dreams of inarticulate passion plays
Coming down a mountain, eons have a human ring
The conversation of impassive planets
Intercepted by a human being

Here glaring cold in the crystalline geometry of night,
Obscuring form and tracing faceless fears
Of a suprahuman immensity in a patch of sand
Or a raptors guileless shivering intensity,
I m only a visitor,
And atom of atoms on a jutting red splattered synagogue of granite
As it crouches literally in space,
A frozen amoral giant gazing heavenward forever

Let s go where the raptor goes to the mountain in a cosmic glow
We ll have a genuine terrestrial show on a mountain - on a mountain
Let s scan the horizon clean for any trace of human schemes
And try to touch upon immortal themes on a mountain - on a mountain
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