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Murder lyrics

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Murder lyrics

If you re discontent to know you world s a pile of shit,
Listen to a riddle that ll tickle every bit of it,


Ape shall not murder - Ape wasn t so sure
Bad ape you made a mistake,
Annihilation in a cannibal war!
Well cultivation might have served you
Might have raised you up unscathed
If you had called that fucker by its name!

Did you listen to the arbiter s beck and call?
Did you find what you were looking for or not at all?


Ape shall not murder - Ape take the cure
Bad ape you made a mistake,
Annihilation in a cannibal war!
Culture might have cured you
And raised you up unscathed
If you had called that fucker by its name!

Say the name!
Say the name!
Say the name!
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