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What Can You Do lyrics

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song lyrics
What Can You Do lyrics
So you waste another day getting older and gray in the head,
And you re hearing lots of stories bout the happy times you have ahead.
There are other folks in power so you kick back and get farther behind,
And although the world rotates itself the only thing you twist is your mind.
You see, the world s falling apart at the rifts,
And surprisingly, the leaders can t make any sense of it.
You mean nothing to the world, we re all someone else s fool,
But oh, what can you do?
"Yeah you waste your time with losers if you get stuck in a rock-n-roll band."
Do you find it more rewarding to compete with morons throughout this land?
They seem to be in power so I ll kick back and get farther behind.
And I watch them as they fuck up every good thing on this earth
with their "minds."
You see, the world s falling apart at the rifts,
And surprisingly, the leaders can t make any sense of it.
You mean nothing to the world, we re all someone else s fool,
But oh, what can you do?
Yeah you waste another day getting older and gray in the head,
And we re hearing lots of stories bout the happy times we have ahead.
The morons are in power so we kick back and get farther behind,
And we watch them as they fuck up every good thing on this earth
with their "minds."
You see, the world s falling apart at the rifts,
And surprisingly, the leaders can t make any sense of it.
We mean nothing to the world, we re all someone else s fool,
But oh, what can you do?
I said, oh, what can you do?
song lyrics

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