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King Apathy Iii lyrics

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song lyrics
King Apathy Iii lyrics

(R. Mc Guinn)
Freaks collecting stained?glass rubies
Till a gently on a strand
Bearing looks of frenzied blankness
Slowing down their B.B. King
Middle class suburban children
Wearing costumes that reveal
Blindly follow recent pipers
With their mystical appeal for now
So I m leavin for the country
To try and rest my head
Cause if I hang around this scene too long
You know babe I ll be dead
Instrumental (Electric Guitar)
All the changes superficial
Apathy still a king
Liberal reactionaries
Never doing anything for now
So I m leavin for the country
To try and rest my head
Cause if I hang around this scene too long
You know babe I ll be dead
song lyrics

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