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In Every Sunflower lyrics

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In Every Sunflower lyrics

My book has more bookmarks than pages
Cos it takes me ages
Or is everybody reading
Is everybody reading

Standing on a black Ulster hill
I never fear the chill
Cos everybody s holding
Everybody s holding

I wouldn t swap the pain
For never knowing you
I wouldn t swap the pain
It was worth it for the view

My book has more bookmarks than pages
Cos it takes me ages
Or is everybody reading
Is everybody reading

Of a sparkling Medusa
With snakes of cerise and blue
And though we re all pillars of salt now
It was worth it for the view

I wouldn t swap the pain
For never knowing you
I wouldn t swap the pain
Cos it was worth it for the view

We re still watching
Your rainbow through the shower
And we still see you
In every sunflower
We re still watching
I make days from the hours
And I still see you
In every sunflower
Every screaming sunflower

How they scream
They scream
How they scream
For you
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