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No One Knows But

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song lyrics
No One Knows But You lyrics

I can almost feel you smiling
From beyond those silver skies
As you watch me finding my way
Here without you in my life
No one knows but you
How I feel inside
No one knows
No one knows but you
I ve come so close to believing
All the echoes in the wind
Brushing my hair off my shoulders
I feel you there once again
No one knows but you
How I feel inside
No one knows
No one knows but you
And if there is some magic
Some way around these stars
Some road that I can travel
To get to where you are
I ll cry this empty canyon
An ocean full of tears
And I won t stop believing
That your love is always near
No one knows but you
How I feel inside
No one knows
No one knows but you
song lyrics

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