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Unbilotitled lyrics

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song lyrics
Unbilotitled lyrics
He s stronger than the walls
You tried to build around him
To dumb and dumbfound him
For two thousand years I waited for your call
Screaming from the windows
Screaming bloody murder

The more that you follow me
The more I get lost
You think that you know me
You re pissing me off
Yeah, you said that you love me
Why don t you fuck off?

Anyone would think that you own me
You re ripping me

Messed my head, I messed my head
Oh, happy will I be
To shine fire upon everyone and no one
I messed my head and I messed my head
Oh, happy would I be
To shine fire upon everyone and no one

Wolfman and Bilo, on the run
Wolfman said to Bilo, "I m calling it on"
Bilo said to blue eyes, "Put your trousers back on"

He s stronger than the walls
You tried to build around him
To dumb and dumbfound him
Two thousand years I waited for your call
Screaming from the windows
Screaming bloody murder
song lyrics

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