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Walk The Walk lyrics

(Verse 1)
Some people say that they can walk the walk, but they just talk the talk. Well let me tell you I can walk the walk real good, baby. So you say that you can walk the walk well baby listen to me I?ve walked the walk and this is how it goes.

Take a step forward don?t look back there?s something in the future there ain?t nothin? in the past. Look around; say ya like what ya see. Look at me, and walk the walk baby.

(Verse 2)
So now you took my advice and used it well. You on top of da world, but you?ve forgotten ?bout me. Don?t you see I?m the one for you; you the one for me, you might like what you see but there is more to me than just a pretty lil? girl. So baby please.


(Verse 3)
And now you see I?m up high too, I can walk the walk and talk the talk. And just guess the best part, this girl is available. Why don?t ya give up on that lil? video girl? She wasn?t worth your time, so go for someone who is, maybe me oh baby don?t you realize the love I wanna give you isn?t cheap.


(Verse 4)
Well she can talk the talk but she can?t walk the walk honey you need someone who cares for you just take a step forward right to me; like what you see and kiss me please, walk the walk right into my arms ohhh baby!!!!


(Chorus 2)
Take one step forward no steps back there could be someone in the future just say you love me too and I?m for U to the ends of this planet. WALK?. THAT ?.WALK?.to me BABY.
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