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song lyrics
Hey Joe lyrics

Hey Joe,
Where you goin with that gun in your hand ?
Hey Joe,
Where you goin with that gun in your hand ?
Goin down to shot my old lady
You know I caught her mess around with another man,
Goin down to shot my old lady
You know I caught her mess around with another man,
That ain t too good
Hey Joe,
Heard you shot your woman down,
Hey Joe,
Heard you shot your lady down,
Yes I did, I shot her
You know, I caught that girl mess around town
Yes I did, I shot her
You know, I caught that girl mess around town
I took out my gun,
Then I shot her
I shot her
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now?
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now?
Where you gonna go?
Goin way down south,
Way down to mexico way
Goin way down south,
Way down where I can be free,
Ain t no hangman gonna,
Get a rope around me,
Ain t no hangman gonna,
Get a rope around me
song lyrics

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