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Truth Or Death lyrics

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song lyrics
Truth Or Death lyrics

Lies, betrayal, lies
truth or death.
Lies, betrayal, lies.

Who the fuck can I trust
the whole fuckin world is built on
false perception,
look you dead in the eye and lie,
your best friend ll stab you in the back
yo, what the fuck is that.

Politicians lie,
what the fuck is that
your lover lies,
what the fuck is that.
The police lies,
what the fuck is that
the church fuckin lies,
what the fuck is that.


Somebody tell me where s the truth
every holy book is written by man
probably by a liar s hand
and if you feel that public schools are
truth to the youth, motherfucka you
livin a lie too.

Lawyers lie,
what the fuckis that
doctorslie, what the fuck is that
doctors lie, what the fuck is that
your mother and father lie,
what the fuck is that
You lie to yourself
yo, what the fuck is that

There is no truth
only varaiations of lies.
Don t try to figure it out
honesty is extinct and if
it ever did exist the human race took it
song lyrics

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