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Heat In The Glow lyrics

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Heat In The Glow lyrics

Another night
you re out alone
you try to find someone
to build a little home
You ve lost your trust
in what you feel
that s why you lock your heart with some big seal

Still you re hungry - for affection
for something deep - you can rely on
somebody s out there - but you are scared to try

When your body says yes
but your heart says no
you re missing desire
so that your love can grow
the fire is hot - but there s no heat in the glow
when your heart says no

Sometimes your wish
is your command
and then you re doing things
your heart don t understand
you hesitate
cause you ain t sure
but the way he kissed was deep and pure

Ain t no way - of medication
when your heart has got no clue
ain t nothing - you can say or do


Don t loose your faith in love
just listen to the voice inside (of your heart)
sometimes the roads are rough
but you will make it home

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