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No Apologies lyrics

You want to give me everything
Captivate me with a pretty ring
Love should be easy, this is what you say
You treat me like the sweetest thing
But I know you re gonna clip my wings
No more romancin , no more carefree dancin
After you ve made your claim you ve made your claim
I want to break free with no apologies, oh, oh
I want to break free with no apologies, oh, oh
I love the soul behind your smile
Until you place my heart on trial
You want me to swear, life begins and ends here
Your love really drives me wild
And I think we could be reconciled
Til I remember, if I surrender
I set all my dreams aside set them aside
I want to break free with no apologies, oh, oh
I want to break free with no apologies, oh, oh
I don t want your shelter I m breaking free
And right now this matters so much to me
You want to give me everything
Captivate me with a pretty ring
Love should be easy, this is what you say
You treat me like the sweetest thing
But I know you re gonna clip my wings
No more romancin , no more carefree dancin
After you ve made your claim you ve made your claim
I want to break free with no apologies, oh, oh
I want to break free with no apologies, oh, oh
song lyrics

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