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Nordland lyrics

Nordland lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Nordland lyrics
Land of unforgiving winter
Cold, clad in white, under a dark grey sky
Silent, the wind, it whispers
Pale sun of gold, gazing from far up high

Endless forests, lakes of water dark and deep
Misty mountains, where giants sleep


High about all, the ravens
Spreading their wings to fly to the hall up high
Messengers of the all fathers
Oden behold all with his one eye

Eagle soaring, old crow cries
This land and heaven, forever tied


Cold the waves along the shoreline
White wolfs realm from here to mountains high afar
Land of ours since it rose out of deep cold sea
Shine on our path, yes brightest of all, Northstar

Foreverdark woods, cold winds sweep
Barren landscape, untamed and bleak

song lyrics

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