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Pestilence lyrics

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song lyrics
Pestilence lyrics
Death once walked this relic land
He came while all would sleep
Death held up his bony hand
And with it death did sweep
Across all land and water
With one gesture he did take
The lives of all man woman child
And deafening silence followed in his wake

Like stub before a shiny blade
All man fell by his scythe
Once the fever got you in its grasp
There is but one more day left of your life

Black Death
Black Death

The Lord has all forsaken
All must cleanse themsleves from sin
Then rid oneself from lust
And take the holy spirit in
To redeem your pity selves
You all must flog your filth away
With nightfall cometh the shadows
Gather all the children of the Lord and pray

The shadow heavy upon this land
And still the stale air sway
In great numbers all around
The fallen lie as they fell to rot away

Black Death
Black Death
song lyrics

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