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The Lake lyrics

The one eyed old man told me that the face that I will see
Has paralysed a thousand brave men sure of victory
I cannot fight blindfoded and I`d freeze if I should see
So I need too sacrifice my eyes to see all from within
The one eyed old man told me of a lake tha no one knows of
Where the end of the sky unites with the bottom
countless fee down deep
And he told me when this world was young
into its depth his eye he had thrown
So what,though one eyed,he could see more than can be seen
I`ll hrow my eyes into the lake
So that I will see from within
I`ll thow my eyes into the lake
And when blind I will still see
At the bottom of the lake
My tho eyes will shine like the stars
At the bottom of the lake
I will see no matter how near or far
Regardless at which speed my horse
Take me though the night
No matter how sharp the blade
Of my sword seems to be
Even within the aid of two pair
Of eyes way up high
In the end before the Beast its face
I would have had to see
But with my two eyes in the depth
My vision is supreme
I see all things that can`t be seen
But not my hand held out in front of me
The face that makes men freeze
I now need not see at all
I`ll feel the presence of the Beast
But will not need sare him down no more
I`ve thrown my eyes intoo the lake
So that I will see from within
I`ll thow my eyes into the lake
And when blind I will still see
At the bottom of the lake
My tho eyes will shine like the stars
At the bottom of the lake
I now see no matter how near or far
song lyrics

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