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Life lyrics

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song lyrics
Life lyrics
Mother, mother, just look what they done, done to your son
Father, father, just look what they done, done to your son
Look here, mother, mother

I have felt the mark of ten thousand teeth
I done seen my body lying limply at my feet
As I ve seen my soul creeping out my chest
Out of my head, towards the east, I ve been victimized by the west

Mother, mother, just look what they done, done to your son
But it ain t so bad, I ve been drinking while they re just having fun
Father, father, look what they done, done to your son
Hey, mother, mother

I ve seen visions of dolphins dancing in my head
But I m not gonna worry, might wake up in the morning, dead
But if I die, stoned before I wake
Lord, grant me one last wish, please unveil my fate

Mother, mother, look what they done, done to your son
But it ain t so bad, I ve been drinking while they re just having fun
Father, father, look what they done, done to your son
Look here, mother, mother

Mother, mother, look what they done, done to your son
I didn t know what I was told
About the work of the devil and now I know
Father, father, look what they done, done to your son
I didn t know what I was told
About the work of the devil and now I know

Mother, mother, look what they done, done to your son
I didn t know what I was told
About the work of the devil and now I know
Father, father, look what they done, done to your son
I didn t know what I was told
About the work of the devil and now I know
song lyrics

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