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Checkmate In Red lyrics

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song lyrics
Checkmate In Red lyrics

So empty inside
and I m loosin my pride
Thrill exploding out of me

Down to the ground
and my head s full o sound
No innocence between

A victim of circumstance
Never had a chance
Sacrificed without a fight

Carry on with this lie
No matter how hard I try
Suffering one last time

and you don t know
I ll touch and add you to my fame
Welcome to
my wonderland

I ll never understand why
Have I lived before
The illness and lies
The virus never dies

Rain may fall round me
I can t drawn me out
It s my last final step
Checkmate in red

Trying to make a stand, trying to hold a hand
as my bridges burn to the ground
I violate and I think I feel hate
as I stare my demons down

I kept you under the sun
Away from the cold
I sheltered you from the storm
The evil alive, no guiding, no hide
I see the look inside

My magic hand
Will strike you down
and rule the land
I ll take the crown
song lyrics

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