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Tourist Trap lyrics

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song lyrics
Tourist Trap lyrics

Piling up at the pool - Pile up at the pool
Peeing into the ocean
Lalallalallala (Passing out in the disco)
Peeling off.

Losing at the casino
Drinking wine and tequila
Lallallallaaaala (Losing at the Casino)
Throwing up.

Drop the kids off at school
Putting on after-lotion
lallallaalala (Sending for a martini)
Dozing off.

Waking up in a daze
Argueing with mosquitos
Pissed off.

Tourist Trap

Save the dollar, mama
Take the picture and run
Losen the collar, papa
This could be so much fun

Trickle trickle dollar
Take the picture and run
Platinum and golden
Burn your skin in the sun

Here we are
Like the stars
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