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Spirit Of Rocknroll lyrics

Spirit Of Rocknroll lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Spirit Of Rock n roll lyrics

The memories still hold us together
No matter if we re young or old
As long as there s music we ll all live forever
In the spirit of rock and roll

Once it s in your blood
You won t be the same no more
Reaching every land
From L.A. to Tokyo
It s in the heart of every boy and girl
Everywhere all around the world

The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll
The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll

You know Chuck, Buddy, and Elvis paved the road
The roots are deep inside us
It s the rythm in our soul
Now it s the heart that s behind the beat
The only sound that is complete

The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll
The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll

Can you hear it
Rockin to the beachy type the spirit
The spirit the spirit
It s in the heart of every boy and girl
Everywhere around the world

The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll
The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll

The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll
The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll

The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll
The spirit (the spirit) the spirit (the spirit)
The spirit of rock n roll
song lyrics

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