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The Invitation lyrics

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The Invitation lyrics

Freedom is nice
So why do I lock myself in chains?
To live in sin is death
So why does it rein in my brain?
My God of mercy has heard my cry of desperation
I seek His face to free me from this lustful perversion
No more no more
Can I live this shame
My thoughts, slave of depravity
Pleasures of wickedness is offered unto me
Impurity s dominion is calling out to be received
The invitation, an offer of sensual gain
Extended arms of death, self control falls to be slain
Plagued with sorrow
Reaching for false dreams
Lies have filled my head
I must run instead
Grace has freed me
Why I feel this need
To go back to a way
Of false love I ve played
Resist the devil, he must flee
Resist the touch, God save me
Break the control, upon my mind
I m freed indeed, the past behind
The idea of pleasures
Is not always what it seems
An enticing way of seduction
Has a wage to be paid
The world reveling in their pleasures
Is inviting with appeal
But the devil through this lust
Come to destroy, kill and steal
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