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Cherokee Boogie lyrics

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song lyrics
Cherokee Boogie lyrics
Songwriters: Mullican, Moon; Redbird, William Chief;

Well, a Cherokee chief as he dances along
He does an Indian boogie to a white man s song
Singin hey ho a lina, hey ho a lina
A well a hey ho a lina, wup wup a witten a yeah

Well, he dances over here and he dances over there
And he keeps on a dancin everywhere
Singin hey ho a lina, hey ho a lina
A well a hey ho a lina, wup wup a witten a yeah

Well, he dances on the hill and he dances on the rock
But he keep on shakin that tomahawk
Singin hey ho a lina, hey ho a lina
A well a hey ho a lina, wup wup a witten a yeah

Well, he sings to the hills and he sings to the clouds
And he keep on singin so big and proud
A now hey ho a lina, hey ho a lina
A well a hey ho a lina, wup wup a witten a yeah

He s a Cherokee cheif as a you might know
And he keeps on sittin singing nuven-yo
A now hey ho a lina, hey ho a lina
A well a hey ho a lina, wup wup a witten a yeah

Well, a Cherokee chief as he dances along
He does an Indian boogie to a white man s song
Singin hey ho a lina, hey ho a lina
A well a hey ho a lina, wup wup a witten a yeah
song lyrics

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