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The Vapours lyrics

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song lyrics
The Vapours lyrics
My head is floating like a rock in a riverbed
Today, the Vapours came and took my mind away, like an angel.
I look in the mirror and say

"Does anyone ever feel like I do?
Does anybody ever feel this way?
I never know how to explain it to you
I still wonder if it s all inside my head?"

My hands are aching like they re wrapped around a gun
Today, the Vapours put a rope around my tongue
And now my hands write down on paper what I say

"Does anyone ever feel like I do?
Does anybody ever feel this way?
I never know how to explain it to you
I still wonder if it s all inside my head?"

...I can never seem to some the same familiar beating drum...

My head is floating like a rock in a riverbed
Today, the Vapours came and took my mind away, like an angel
I look in the mirror

"Does anyone ever feel like I do?
Does anybody ever feel this way?
I never know how to explain it to you
I still wonder if it s all inside my head?" [x2]

...I can never seem to some the same familiar beating drum... [x2]
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