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Say When lyrics

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song lyrics
Say When lyrics
She puts her voicemail in my head
With every girl I see a bed
- C mon be retarded

- Don t wanna be bothered
So here I am
When she spills out her problems for me
Once again
Say when is when
Three am
Say when is when

Not you again
Women will win men climbing charts
I am the joker in your deck of cards

- C mon be retarded
- Don t wanna be bothered
When she spills out her problems for me
Say when is when
Once again
So here I am
Three am
Say when is when

Not you again
I think your nickname suits your reputation
They call you miss I call you ho
She blew my fortune and my fame
- C mon be retarded
With every target a different name
- Don t wanna be bothered
(she spits out her problems, she s plain walkin trouble)

When she spills out her problems for me
So here I am
Say when is when
Once again
Three am
Say when is when
Not you again

So here I am
Once again
Not you again
Three am
Say when is when

Say when
Say if
Say wh
song lyrics

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