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Angelburner lyrics

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song lyrics
Angelburner lyrics


I bring the fire from the hell
I am a demon warrior
Listen for this doom bell
It tolls for this burning torch

I bring this torch from the flames
From the flames of Inferno
I bring the end for the days
Of angels existence
I hunt those white dressed creatures
Creatures with their white wings
My own wings are black skin
And my claws steel

When I meet the angels of the light
I show no mercy for them
I tie them with barbed wire
And then crucify
I cut the veins of heaven s creature
I spill the holy blood
I am the tormentor of saints
And judge from hell

My dark and evil wrath is huge
I have ripped countless angels
And i have brought the fuel
For inferno s high flames
Those flames are getting higher
Til they reach those golden gates
And my deepest desire
Is to destroy all beyond those gates

Lighting up the weather wings
Tearing the burning corpse
And the choir of heaven sings
No... no more........................!
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