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Nobody There But Me lyrics

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song lyrics
Nobody There But Me lyrics

Bruce R. Hornsby
Oh I wish I could laugh
When I look way back
To find out who stole all my dreams
Whoa I wish it was easy
To face the fact
There s nobody there but me

Well it s hard not to smile
When I m back on high ground
I m wishing someone could see

Cause when the sun comes up
And my dreams die down
There s nobody there but me

Well it s hard not to smile
When I m back on high ground
I m wishing that someone could see

Cause when the sun comes up
And my dreams die down
There s nobody there but me

Well it feels so good
To be back on dry ground
After drifting so long at sea

Cause when the rain says run
When it s all said and done
There s nobody there but me
There s nobody there but me
song lyrics

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