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You Say You Dont

You Say You Dont mp3 songs

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song lyrics
You Say You Don t Love Me lyrics
You say you don t love me
Well that s alright with me cos I m in love with you
And I wouldn t want you doing things you don t want to do
Oh you know I ve always wanted you to be in love with me
And it took so long to realize the way things have to be
I wanted to live in a dream that couldn t be real
And I m starting to understand now the way that you feel
You say you don t
You say you don t

You say you don t love me
Well that s alright with me cos I have got the time
To wait in case someday you maybe change your mind
I ve decided not to make the same mistakes this time around
As I m tired of having heartaches I ve been thinking and I ve found
I don t want to live in a dream I want something real
And I think I understand now the way that you feel
You say you don t
You say you don t
You say you don t


You say you don t
You say you don t

You say you don t love me
Well that s alright with me I m not in love with you
I just want us to do the things we both want to do
Though I ve got this special feelin I d be wrong to call it love
For the word entails a few things that I would be well rid of
I ve no need to live in a dream it s finally real
And I hope you now understand this feeling I feel
You say you don t
You say you don t
You say you don t love me
You say you don t love me
You say you don t love me

song lyrics

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