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I Owe You Nothing lyrics

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song lyrics
I Owe You Nothing lyrics

I ll watch you crumble like a very old wall

I ll see you stranded
you took me for a fool.
I ll have my revenge
cause I owe you nothing
nothing at all.

I owe you nothing
nothing at all

I owe you nothing
nothing at all
nothing at all.

I ll watch you suffer with no feelings
no feelings at all

and you ll see you desperate
you won t hear my call.
And he who laughs last owes you sweet nothing
nothing at all.

I owe you nothing
nothing at all

I owe you nothing
nothing at all.

I was yours and you were mine

but you ran around and told me lies

you got big
big trouble.

I owe you nothing
I owe you nothing
I owe you nothing

I owe you nothing
I owe you nothing
I owe you nothing
dancing to the music
listen to that Rock n Roll band.

Oh oh oh guitar man
come on and play that
song lyrics

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