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So You Would Know lyrics

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So You Would Know lyrics

How many times must I prove how much I love you
How many ways must my love for you I show
How many times must I rescue you from trouble
For you to know just how much I love you

Didn t I wake you up this morning
Were you clothed in your right mind
When you walked on this problem
Didn t I step right in on time
When you got weak along life s journey
My angel carried you
So you would know just how much I love you

How many days must I be fence all around you
How many nights must I wipe your tears away
How many storms must I bring you safely through
For you to know just how much I love you


Didn t I put food on your able
Show UP! when your bills were due
When the pains were racking your badoy
Didn t I send a healing down to you
When you were lost in sin and sorrow
I died to set you free
So you would know just how much I love you


So you would know, so you would know how much
So you would know, so you would know how much
So you would know just how much I love you
song lyrics

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