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Take That Walk lyrics

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Take That Walk lyrics

My lip bleeds in remembrance of you
Thoughts tumble out - calling out for you
My lip bleeds in remembrance of you
Thoughts tumble out - calling out for you

Just fuck it up, forget about these longings
Pains that ate my heart, hide them over, sit up.
Just fuck it up, forget about these longings
Pains that ate my heart, hide them over, sit up.

My throat swells in desire of you
Useless sorry scream thinking there for you
My throat swells in desire of you
Useless sorry scream thinking there for you

Just fuck it up, forget about these longings
Pains that ate my heart, hide them over, sit up.
Just fuck it up, forget about these longings
Pains that ate my heart, hide them over, sit up.

Just fuck it up, forget about these longings
Pains that ate my heart, hide them over, sit up.
Just fuck it up, forget about these longings
Pains that ate my heart, hide them over, sit up
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