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In Between lyrics

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In Between lyrics

I heard you talk last night
Couldn t even speak a word
(???) got me by the tongue
It s nothing you haven t heard
In between what s true and false
In between what s ??? and ???
I ask you about the past
You didn t want to talk about it
You didn t want to trouble me
It s just old history
She s got too much imagination
She s a queen of variations
Tried so hard to make you forget
See yourself in the TV set
And i remember when my ??? left
It was year before my birth
And i can see them years from now
(?)They go flying above the world
And let s not talk about makes us die
Let the jokes make the years go by
Cause it s a (???) and it s hard to bear
It s too easy to not even care
Baby looks so sweet
Pick me up right off my feet
And we ll go down to the world of dreams
It s so hard but that just how it s seems
There s a mask upon the wall
In between the window and the hall
In between nothing s ever (done?)
What s ahead and where you come from?
If you could would you fly away?
Or stick around for another day?
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