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A Man And The

A Man And The mp3 songs

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song lyrics
A Man And The Blues lyrics
Songwriters: Guy, George;

What can a poor man do
You know when the blues keep bothering him around?
What can a poor man do
You know when the blues keep bothering him around?
Give him a half pint of good liquor and sit down and drink it all down

You know, sometimes I feel
I feel like drinkin me some gasoline
You know, sometimes I feel
I feel like drinkin me some gasoline
Strikin me a match and blow myself up in steam

I feel I m gonna move on back down south
You know where the water tastes like cherry wine
I feel I m gonna move on back down south
You know where the water tastes like cherry wine
Because this crap of whiskey and water tastes to me like turpentine
song lyrics

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