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Ever Expanding Eternity lyrics

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Ever Expanding Eternity lyrics

the night is dark, no wisdom here
and daily truth I see not clear

in mire deep alone I weep
everything else is still
I wish to drive my thirst away
drink knowledge like dew

die welt in einem sandkorn sehen
und den himmel in einer wilden blume
die unendlichkeit in meiner handfl?che halten
und die ewigkeit in einer stunde

with silent delight smiles the night
when wolves and tigers howl
my eyes flow with tears of gold
searching for truth

wisdom, where are you going?
do not walk so fast
speak to your little boy
or else I shall be lost
wisdom, I am lost

I m roaming with a hungry heart
my spirit yearning in desire
to follow knowledge
not finding me.

open my immortal eyes
inwards into the world of thought
into the ever expanding...
the ever expanding eternity
song lyrics

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