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Life In One Day lyrics

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Life In One Day lyrics

Drinking beer and breaking windows
Life seems kind of simple
As we re wasting all this away

Went to the store overdraw my account
It seems so avoidable
As I m making my today

Scratching my balls not knowing what crabs are
A condom wouldn t have stopped it
But I m fucking strangers anyway

Driving my car straight through the glass
It seems so illogical
But fuck, it s in my way

Living my life. My entire life today.
Doing it all before time gets in my way.

Living my life. All of it today.
Doing it all before time gets in my way.

I m all wasted I gotta get outta here
No cash for a taxi
I got sirens in my rear view mirror

Eviction notice and I just got fired
I m sure I could ve stopped it
But hey fuck it, I was having a good time

Tattoo infected and I Ripped the scab off
It could have looked cooler
But it looks cooler now

Got fish skin clogging up my sink
Got no disposal but
It covers up the smell of beer

Living my life. All of it today.
Doing it all before time gets in my way.

Living my life. All of it today.
Doing it all before time gets in my way.
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