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Illa Tidandi lyrics

Illa Tidandi lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Illa Tidandi lyrics

Pa reid Hermodr aptr leid sina ok kom i Asgard ok sagdi oll tidindi pau er
hann hafdi set ok heyrt. Pvi naest sendu Esir um allam heim orindreka at
Baldr vaeri gratinn or Helju. En allir gerdu pat, menninir ok kykvendin ok
jordin ok steinarnir ok tre ok allr malmr, sva, sem pu munt sent hafa at
pessir hlutir grata pa er peir koma or frosti ok i hita. Pa er sendimenn foru
heim ok hofdu vel rekit sin eyrindi, finna peir i hellinokkvorum hvar gygr
sat. Hon nefndisk Pokk. Peir bidja hana grata Baldr or Helju. Hon segir:
"Pokk mun grata purrum tarum Baldrs balfarar. Kyks ne dauds nautka ek karls
sonar: haldi Hel pvi er hefir."
En pess geta menn at par hafi verti Loki Laufeyjarrson er flest hefir illt
gert med Asum."
song lyrics

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