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song lyrics
One Rainy Wish lyrics

Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had
Not too long ago
Misty blue and lilac too
Never to grow old

There you were under the tree of song
Sleeping so peacefully
In your hand a flower played
Waiting there for me

I have never laid eyes on you
Not before this timeless day
But you woke and you, oh, smiled my name
And you stole my heart away
Stole my heart away, little girl, yeah

Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had
Not too long ago
Misty blue and lilac too
Never to grow old

Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had
Misty blue and lilac too
Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had
Misty blue and lilac too
Gold and rose, golden rose, golden rose

It s only a dream

I d love to tell somebody about this dream
The sky was filled with a thousand stars
While the sun kissed the mountains blue
And eleven moons played across the rainbow
Above me and you

Gold and rose, gold and rose
The colour of a velvet wall that surrounds us

Taken From The Album "ANOTHE WORLD" (1998)
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