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Too Late To Turn

Too Late To Turn mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Too Late To Turn Back lyrics
Songwriters: Kirwan, Larry;

Wait until dawn
The streets will be cool and clean again
Then it s time to go downstairs, meet the man
He ll be sittin in a limo with a gun in his hand

You ve been waitin like this for years
Through all the laughter and the cloudy tears
Always standin on a tightrope through a million little bands
Always waitin for redemption and now it s right at hand

You ll hear me tickin like a time bomb
Ready, ready to explode
Too late to turn back now
I ve gone beyond overload

You ll hear me tickin like a time bomb
Ready, ready to ignite
It s now or never, my darlin
It s too late to turn back tonight
Night, night, night, night

Nothin left to gain
Just more of the same old thing again
Always runnin round in circles
Always workin for the man

But tonight I m breakin out of here
Tonight I m gonna make a stand
I ve never felt so alive
My heart is on fire and so is my mind

Now it s time to go downstairs, meet the man
Catch his look of confusion
When I take him by the hand

You ll hear me tickin like a time bomb
Ready, ready to explode
Too late to turn back now
I ve gone beyond overload

You ll hear me tickin like a time bomb
Ready, ready to ignite
It s now or never, my darlin
It s too late to turn back tonight
Night, night

Like a time bomb
Ready, ready to explode
Too late to turn back now
I ve gone beyond overload

You ll hear me tickin like a time bomb
Ready, ready to ignite
It s now or never, my darlin
It s too late to turn back tonight
Night, night, night, night
song lyrics

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