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Medusa lyrics

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song lyrics
Medusa lyrics

When all you have left are your memories
And diamonds and pearls for company
I ll be sailing to St. Lucia on the ocean breeze
With the moon and my scars for company

In your bedroom you keep an iron cage
Where a blackbird sings her freedom song
For you know the true value of keeping slaves
They sing the saddest of songs

Medusa you robbed me of my youth
Abandoned me on the tropic of solitude
Seducer of the shipwrecked and forlorn
You told me to undress
Then crowned my head with thorns

Medusa you robbed me of my youth
Abandoned me on the tropic of solitude
Seducer of the shipwrecked and forlorn
You told me to get dressed
Then turned my heart to stone
song lyrics

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